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Affordable Diabetic is not an authorized distributor of Lifescan products.
upc: 353885009720
The One Touch Ultra blue test strips are specially designed to simplify testing your blood sugar so you have one less thing to worry about every day. The One Touch ultra test strips are simple to use with an accuracy that cannot be beat. You can see your test results in as little as five seconds and they only require a tiny amount of blood for an accurate reading you can trust.
Each Test Strip Contains: Glucose Oxidase (Aspergillus Niger), The Test Strip Vial Contains a Drying Agent, More Than (0.08 IU), Ferricyanide More Than (22 ug),
Quantity: 100 One Touch Ultra Blue Test Strips in box.
Dimensions: 2.4 x 2.4 x 3.2 inches
Weight: 0.32 ounces
50 One Touch Ultra Blue Test Strips
Affordable Diabetic is not an authorized distributor of Lifescan products.